Protect assets for future generations


First action in spill response operations.

When an oil spill occurs, every minute is critical in containing the extent of the damage

SOAB absorption boom

Help protect your economic and material worth

Our Products

Prevent damage in lakes, rivers or at sea

Precision and reliability

Coupled with competitive prices is what distinguishes us and our products.

SOAB spill products

For large and small pollutions. In water and on land.

Every minute is vital.

With more than 6000 meter of absorption of booms in stock we are allways ready to deliver



A selection of our products

5.5 Sjuntorp SoProtect

Durable embankment flood protection to prevent fire extinguishing water reaching undesired sites. Customized according to customer requirements.

4.2 Diamix granule

Ideal for all types of industries and roads where oil spill needs to be absorbed.

11 EUR

6.3 Sjuntorp Silt Curtain Base

Durable protection for dredging and excavation, quick and easy installation.

4.1 UNI-SAFE Plus

Synthetic granules with extremely high absorption capacity enables immediate rescue operation.

43.20 EUR


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